Monday, September 30, 2013

I'm back from conference...

Hola amigos!

If you notice, I changed the information about my blog. I know I said I was changing my book to New Adult, which it very well may be, but for now I am going to advertise my book as an older Young Adult novel.

Anyways, I just got back from a writer's conference in LA.  My first. It was amazing. I learned so much, met a bunch of great people, and got asked for more material by 3 literary agents!! I highly recommend it. One key thing I learned was to have a blog (check) and to keep up with it (wait, what?). Yeah. What? I'm so busy, I have three kids, I have laundry, I have schedules... yadi-yadi-yadi.

I threw my complaint out the window and here I am. Well, plus I missed writing on here and honestly felt bad that I took down my chapters. What I'm now going to do for you guys is instead of posting chapters, I will post tidbits of each chapter. Much much better. You will learn the characters in my book, The 52nd, you will learn the setting, you will learn the deep, dark secrets of the Aztecs, and most importantly WHY THEY ARE STILL TAKING PEOPLE FOR SACRIFICE.

I will post almost daily. I will answers questions. And I will love you forever and ever and ever if you share my blog with all your friends and family.

Lastly, I wanted to give a shout out to Just Me, Myshelf, and I. They gave me my first review, and it was a really good one. I respect there patience and if they can wait to get a copy of my book, you can too! But it won't be possible without you guys. So if you like what you read, keep coming back.


I am an advocate of relationships. Your diligence and loyalty will not go unnoticed! And, well, I intend to have give-aways. But you probably don't care about that because you just want to read my book. Right? Okay, here it is...


Fear gets you killed. It waxes over your instincts and paralyzes your decision-making abilities before leaving you inefficient, useless, and left for dead. In my earthly eternity I never feared anything, never needed to, except for now. I didn't know how I could love my only fear and I resented her for it. But something inside me changed and I humbly admit that my death was going to be for that one stubborn woman.
I stepped outside into the humidity and hopped over the gap between balconies, my heart never pounding so hard. Yes, immortals felt impulses. I stopped between the swaying panels and looked at her nervously through the midnight blackness.
Then, as her heart plummeted to a sickly rate, I cracked a hungry smile and advanced towards her.

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